Zach Gresham – Cisco Intern – Post 4

This week brought some new experiences that I could not pass up speaking about. Angela Beltz, the director of the Cisco team, invited myself and a couple of the other interns to a few sessions of a program they call the “Exploratory Labs”, or Ex Labs. This summer ‘boot camp’ is designed to provide a business integration experience combined with classroom curriculum to help shape non-tech degree students interested in the technology industry. The Ex Labs were full of information for every type of student. Ranging from topics from the Internet Of Things (IoT, my internship focus) all the way to communication and collaboration. The Ex Labs provided valuable topical knowledge that I can easily say I will implement in any of my future business dealings in the technology industry and also in whatever other endeavor I undertake.

On the other hand, my Cisco team and I have been making great progress on our IoT initiative, which should be launching with a full website, Twitter page, LinkedIn page and other resources by the end of the coming week. I had the opportunity to sit down in person with my Clearwater, FL team as well as the full Tech Data Barcelona IoT team, to discuss our marketing strategy for the initiative and work out a plan for our social media content and engagement. What made this meeting so special to me was the fact that I was part of the conversation pertaining to all of the social media aspects of our IoT initiative. The projects I have been working on since my first day here at Tech Data were spoken about and are in the plans to be used as global social media and blog content for the Tech Data Cisco IoT initiative, which was a cool feeling seeing my work and effort being planned to be implemented in the near future.

I get excited each week about the next, and always am ready for the new experiences to come! Each week at Tech Data has a little different flavor, and sometimes the most random activities or projects end up being one of the best parts about this internship program and about the company as a whole. Keep the awesome experiences coming!